Tagged: easy java

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StringBuffer Class Java | StringBuilder in Java

This chapter is all about StringBuffer Class Java and its important methods to remember. We will also see what StringBuilder in Java is about and learn how they (all three classes String, StringBuffer and...

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Encapsulation Java | Java Getters and Setters

Encapsulation Java is all about coming up with a nice intact setup to keep your data solidly wrapped inside methods. That’s where Java Getters and Setters come into picture as well. You see nobody...

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Java Polymorphism | Polymorphism Java Example

If you look up the dictionary definition of Polymorphism, it is nothing but a condition to exist in different forms. Java Polymorphism is no different. To be available in different forms so as to...

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Exception Handling in Java | Java Error Types

Sometimes certain events or problems might get triggered during the execution of a program. We need to tackle them with exception handling in Java. If we handle our exceptions then proceed, the proper flow...


Java Interface | How to Use Interface in Java

We are gonna learn what Java Interface means and how to use interface in Java in this chapter. I dedicate this whole leaflet to learning everything about interfaces. Interfaces are more or less based...

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Java If Else Statement | Java Switch Case Example

While learning new things, I realized I haven’t covered up a lot of basic stuff. For instance, Java If Else Statement. Now that I think of it, I haven’t touched the rest of the...