Restore WordPress Plugin | How to Rollback a Plugin in WordPress
If you wish to learn how to rollback a plugin in WordPress you have come to the right place. Now, restore WordPress plugin without any hassles with one of those plugins that has been tailor-made to provide you with all the previous versions that you wish to rollback to. So yes I am talking about another plugin here that makes that job easy, nay, easiest.
You don’t have to do anything out of the ordinary really to restore WordPress plugin. I have made you a simple step by step tutorial to rollback a plugin in WordPress.
So I have been fond of updates. But never fond of making backups. So every time there is an update on a plugin, I don’t stop myself from clicking that update button without giving it a second thought. I recently ran into a situation wherein one of my plugins caused my website to crash. I had to come up with a foolproof solution since you cannot always go to cpanel and manually remove the plugin to make your site working again, now, can you?

So there’s an alternative and it is much better than all that manual labour. Drum rolls please! It is called Wp Rollback.
Wp Rollback
Wp Rollback is a plugin that helps you to go back in time to set things right again. Well, to rephrase it, Wp Rollback provides you with an option to rollback to a previous working version. All you have to do is choose a previous version that you were comfortable with and the rest is taken care of by this brilliant plugin.
Not only that, it would also help you switch back to a previous version of your theme as well. So let’s say you have updated your theme and you are not happy with the recent changes, you can always use Wp Rollback to switch to that previous version.
You can’t just rollback but roll forward too. Isn’t that cool?
Using this Wp Rollback plugin is a piece of cake to be honest. But I have still made you a spoonfeeding tutorial to help you get there.
Steps on How to Rollback a Plugin in WordPress
To restore WordPress plugin just follow the steps that have been mentioned below. I am assuming you have already logged in to your website and are looking at the dashboard page.
Step 1: Place your mouse on the Plugins section to flare open the Add New menu.

Then click on it.
Step 2: When the Add New Plugins page opens, click on Search Plugins and type WP Rollback and then press Enter.

Step 3: You will notice the plugin named WP Rollback showing up in the search results. Click on Install Now.
It will begin installing.
Step 4: After installation, it will say Activate. Simply click on it.

Step 5: Doing so will take you to the plugins page where you will see the message of Plugin Activated.

If you notice carefully now, all the plugins that were there in the list will now have a Rollback option available.
Pretty cool, eh?
Step 6: So look for the plugin that you wish to rollback. Here I want to rollback the Quick Adsense plugin whose latest version 2.1 wasn’t working that great for me.

So I am going to just click on Rollback for that plugin.
Step 7: It has taken me to a different page where all the previous versions have been listed down. I will just click on the radio button next to the stable version. For me, the previous release was a good release. So I am going to click on it before clicking on Rollback button.

Step 8: You get a warning message asking you to make a backup before proceeding. Although it is a good idea to do that, before proceeding, I will take my chances here.
Click on Rollback again.

Step 9: The next page will see you rolling back to that version. Just click on Activate Plugin to activate the plugin if it wasn’t activated before.

Step 10: Dance!
How easy was that?
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