How to Type in Hindi on Macbook | Easy Macbook Tutorials
We are going to learn how to type in Hindi on Macbook or MacOS since the latter is the OS used on all Macbooks. The same logic works for other languages as well. All you have to do is follow the same steps that I am going to show you. It is pretty straightforward.
I recently bought a Macbook and thought it would be really helpful if I make some MacOS-related tutorials to help out other fellow Macbook users.
So without further ado, I decided to create this simple tutorial on how to type in Hindi on Macbook or any other language for that matter.
To save time you can check this video as well:
Alternatively, for the reader in you who prefers a step-by-step tutorial with screenshots the following section would be helpful:
Step by Step Tutorial on How to Type in Hindi on Macbook
Step 1: The first step is to navigate to the Apple logo () shown at the top left corner of your screen and then click on System Preferences.
It will open the System Preferences dialog for you.
Step 2: Open Keyboard by navigating to it. You can alternatively type Keyboard in the Search bar at the top right corner to facilitate easy search.
Doing so will open Keyboard which might look something like this:
Step 3: Navigate to the Input Sources tab which is the fourth tab shown at the top.
Step 4: At the bottom of the screen, find the + sign and click on it as shown in the image above.
Doing so will open another dialog from where you can select languages. Look for the language you want by either scrolling down or you can just use the search bar option provided at the bottom.
Since we are finding Hindi language here I am going to go for that one.
Step 5: Click on Hindi and you will see a list of input sources on the right side. I prefer the Hindi (A -> अ) version since it is easier to type. I am going to select that one.
Step 6: Once selected, click on the blue Add button shown at the bottom.
Once you do that you will notice that the language input source you chose got added in the Input Sources section. It means that you can now toggle between two languages i.e. ABC – India shown and the second one Hindi (A -> अ) shown.
How to Toggle between languages
If you go back to the Keyboard tab, you will notice that there already is a symbol that you can use from the keyboard. Yes on your keyboard you have a symbol 🌐 on the farthest left bottom corner with ‘fn’ name mentioned over it.
The 🌐 symbol can be used to change the input source.
Step 7: Just click on the dropdown shown in the image below.
Step 8: Select Change Input Source if not already selected there.
That’s it.
Now that you press the shortcut 🌐 keyboard button you will notice that the input source language has toggled.
Go ahead and open a page or a text editor and start typing. Press the 🌐 button to toggle the input source language to Hindi and start typing in Hindi.
Hope you liked this tutorial on How to Type in Hindi on Macbook and learned a thing or two about languages and input sources.
You can check out other cool tips and tricks tutorials on DITD.