How to Install Java | Install Java Latest Version
We are going to learn how to install Java on this page. It is highly recommended you install Java latest version to keep them update juices flowing. You don’t wanna be left behind in that race to ace technology? Now do you?
Java Affairs in the Past
You have no idea how bad I have tried my luck at learning Java. It swings me back in time whenever I think about it. I shudder at the very thought of it. Twice, thrice, I can’t even remember how many times now. Once I had managed a certificate too, but then two three months down the line, when there were no real projects to work on, I forgot everything that I had learnt. Java does that to you. Oh wait! That’s life. Life does that to you.
This meme never gets old:

You wouldn’t believe if I tell you I had just the right motivator who had almost taught me how to do stuff in Java. He even came up with a ppt, which is busy playing lost in some folders on my laptop. It was easy enough to make anyone understand what Java is all about. What Core Java is, and how to master the basics of it.
Well don’t worry! My lessons are going to be dead simple. You will be thanking me, hell, I will be thanking me for making things easier for me, you and the posterity to get.
How complex it all seems, but trust me nothing in this life is complex. It is just our indifference towards it, that creates such impression. Look at it this way: How many Java programmers are there in the world? Well I guess, millions? If they could do it, so can you? They are humans too just like you. Oooh! That rhymed!
We shall first learn how to install Java and then take baby steps into learning all about how to code in it.
What is Java all about?
This brings us to the boring part, which I choose to skip. But I am afraid, for people who are more interested in knowing the primal step, before proceeding to learn how to install java and start learning all about it, learning the definition is equally important. It comes straight from the book.
Java is a programming language. Period. Easy enough for you?
Why is it so cool? Well, you can use it on every platform unlike platform specific languages out there. So, Java can run on Windows, UNIX, Mac OS, and what not. That makes it different and awesome at the same time.
It is easy to master, that explains why I chose to make tutorials for it. 😛
It is also Object-Oriented owing to the beautiful concept of classes, a topic we keep for our Chapter 2 shenanigans.
How to Install Java: Primary Check
This brings us to the fun part, where we actually get to do something. Theories are so boring! I know!
Well, to start working on Java you need it installed on your system first. A quick check if it is already there:
- Press Windows + R to open the Run Dialog box.
- Type cmd and press Enter (You can also access it via Start>Accessories)
- When Command Prompt prompts you, type the following command:
java -version
- Press Enter
If the result you get looks something like this (do not focus on detailing as versions could be different):

It means that Java is already installed on the system, and there is no further action required.
However, if that isn’t the case then there are few steps to follow to install Java latest version.
Steps to Install Java Latest Version
To spoon feed you I have decided to guide you with the process of installing Java on your system. Walk alongside and you shall be able to cross the river “just in time”. 😉
Step 1: The first step is downloading the JDK and JRE package from Oracle Java website. Here’s the link to do so:
Clicking the above link will take you to the official website of Oracle and directly that will book you a date with Java. Here’s what it will look like:

Click on JDK Download.
Step 4: What operating system are you using? Based on that click on the corresponding link to start your download.

I am using Windows 64 Bit Operating System. So I am gonna go ahead and click that.
Step 2: A pop up might open. Before proceeding you might have to agree to their terms and conditions.
When you do, your downloading should start as well.
Step 3: Next step is installing it. Install it just as you have been installing games all these years. Yes, next, next, next. A Java folder should be created like this in your system:

Setting up Environment Variables
Remember downloading a language simply doesn’t wrap up the job. The next crucial step of how to install Java lurks in setting up Environment Variables. It might be a tad different based on the Operating System you are using, but the logic stays the same.
Step 4: Right click on your My Computer or This PC (based on whatever system you are using). Click on Properties. System information should open. You can do the same by going to your Control Panel> System and Security> System.
Click on Advnaced system settings.

Step 5: Doing so should open the System Properties dialog box where Environment Variables button is located. Click on that.

Step 6: Well you get what you asked for. Hence, Environment Variables Box opens.

Step 7: Navigate to the Path Variable in the System variables section, and then click on Edit. Now you need to make sure your system understands where to look for whenever you wish to enter Java commands in your command prompt.
For that go to the Java folder whose location you had confirmed in Step 5. Open it. Open the folder that starts with jdk. Then open the folder called bin. Click on the address bar and copy its location.

Step 8: Paste the location in the Edit Environment variable Path you had opened by clicking on New. Mine looks like something like this:

Step 9: That’s it click on Ok, Ok then Ok to close on Windows confirming the job’s done. The Environment Variable has been set.
Is it in There Yet?
How do you ensure that Java has been installed on your system?
Well, that takes us to the final step of verification.
Step 10: Open the command prompt once again, and type the following once again before pressing Enter:
java -version
This time however the story would be different. You would and should get the following output:

This means Java is in there. Mission accomplished!
You have successfully learnt how to install java. It is time to start learning all about how to do coding. Bear with me and we shall walk on that cloud too. Like they say, one step at a time.
Go ahead take some rest. You did good soldier. Leave that work for tomorrow. Procrastinate! Nothing wrong with that.
4 Responses
[…] I hope you are walking the way I am, following the right way. That being said, before learning your first java program and doing the java demo program I would like you to read the first chapter of Java. […]
[…] hope you have Java installed on your system already. If you haven’t then you can read our Java Chapter that teaches you how to do that first. Please install Java ASAP before proceeding, since our future interactions are going to be […]
[…] Java installed on your system […]
[…] to have Java installed on your system. If you don’t have that you can always flip back to check how to do that and ensure if Java is indeed […]