Dumb IT Dude’s here! Hello World! Wait, that sounds way too familiar, doesn’t it?
Trying to give programming languages a shot, I think those are hands down two of my favourite words in coding. Primarily because sometimes I have never been able to get past that. Whaaaaaaat? Yeah!
I have to admit, there were times I secretly wished every IT course to just stop at that. So after a fuming session of trying to grasp the basics, I would take long breaks to celebrate all that overwhelming knowledge with a beer. True story!
Writing a hello world program successfully and seeing the display shout it loud on the screen always gave me that rare sense of accomplishment, that huge grin of satisfaction that wouldn’t leave all day. Yeah! People would take me for a sociopath!
About Dumb IT Dude
But really?
Doesn’t that kind of bother you how technology keeps wading forward and you are stuck with the words, “Wait! What?” They release new versions of a language or a tool every day. By the time you get dressed, storm for office and sit by your desk, in comes another confusing havocking version. By the time you have learnt to walk, Gee! they are running out there!
Being a software engineer, a major chunk of me finds itself holed up in the clogs of my computer machine. There is a knack in me to learn new things, but when I am given tougher nuts to crack I grow tired quickly.
I guess it would be safe to say, (or unsafe I am still not sure) I have tried basically every (exaggeration alert!) language, I guess, and never made it past vexing situations. So with the intent to defeat that dumbness out of me, and to help you learn alongside, I present to you: (drum rolls)
Dumb it dude or Dumb IT Dude as you might have guessed already is a homonym (see what I did there?) of learning vexing things by dumbing things down. It is a place where together we will learn to solve life’s most intricate problems that deal with IT, coding, languages, and stuff. I also intend to provide you a blogging corner where a knowledge repository of sorts would go.
Learning would be on the go. So I highly recommend you to subscribe to the website so you learn alongside me. Go easy on me with the questions, because hey! I am learning too.
Check out the relevant categories that this site houses. Zero in on the things you wish to learn. And then just sit back, relax, have a beer, take long loo breaks, because DUMB IT DUDE is not going anywhere.
EDIT: The above was written when I was beginning my learning sojourn, things have not been the same ever since 😀
About the Author

Scottshak a.k.a. Prashant Singh is the author of Dumb IT Dude. He is a Senior Software Engineer – QA based in Vadodara, Gujarat currently working in Ahmedabad.
Apart from the aforementioned professional life, he also has multiple interests in other fields. He is also a writer, blogger, and editor and has four websites under his aegis:
He is an award-winning short film director too. You can find out about the work he does on the following Youtube channel:
He also helms comedy here: